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CSC 352 Programming Assignment #3 Factoring

Write a program to factor huge integers. Read an integer N from the command line, then print it as the product of two integers (or note that it is prime) as in the following brute-force solution:

     #include <stdio.h>

     #include <limits.h>

     main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

         int d;

         int N = atoi(argv[1]);


Populating a binary tree using an input file in java

Populate a binary search tree from an input file (input.txt) that contains a list of numbers. The file can also contain the keyword delete followed by a number. Search for a node within the tree for that number and delete it. If the number is not found, insert the node. The tree will not contain any duplicates.


Sample input.txt file




delete 3



delete 9




Charting Database Data in VB.NET

For this assignment you are first going to create a Microsoft Access Database of 2014-15 Statistics for the Virginia Tech Hokies Basketball Team. Your application will read the data from the database and put it in a DataSet. Then using LINQ commands, you will first populate a combo box with player names. Then using other link


Qt and C++ for Image Editing


This project is an introduction to image manipulation using the graphical user interface (GUI) library, Qt4. Many professional software programs, including Maya, design and create their GUIs using Qt, and it runs on many OSs (macOS, L


Final Project Part 1- MDI

Multi-Document Interface

Open the project. Then rename the form frmMain as frmDashboard in the Solution Explorer (make sure that frmMain is collapsed into a single form icon, right-click and choose Rename and type frmDashboard). Change the Text property of this form to “Dashboard”. Create a new form named frmMain, set its Text property to “Client Staffing Optimization” and its IsMdiContainer property to True. Th


Final Project part 2- Dynamic Data Tables and Saving Solution

Dynamic Data Tables and Saving the Solution

- Create a new form named frmData. Add a tool strip to this form. Right-click on the tool strip and choose “Insert Standard Items”, which is going to create a set of standard buttons and separators on the tool strip. Except for the button that has the typical “Save” icon, right-click on each button or a separator and choose delete from the pop up menu (or click on each


Final Project Part 3 - Staff Analysis

Staff Analysis

- Create a new form named frmStaffAnalysis with Text property as “Staff Analysis”. Add a panel object to it and dock it at the top of the form using the Dock property in the Properties window. Adjust the height of the panel so that it does not take too much space on the form. Add two radio buttons on this panel and name them rdoBudgetedCost and rdoIdleCost with the Text properties “Budgeted Cost”


Final Project Part 4 - Client Analysis

Client Analysis

- Create a new form named frmClientAnalysis with Text property as “Client Analysis”. Add a panel object to it and dock it at the top of the form using the Dock property in the Properties window. Adjust the height of the panel so that it does not take too much space on the form. Add two radio buttons on this panel and name them rdoCostRevenue and rdoProfitMargin with the Text properties “Cost and


Final Project Part 5 - Schedule


- Create a new form named frmSchedule with the Text property as “Schedule”. Add a panel object and dock it on top of the form, adjust its height so that it does not take too much space on the form. Add two combo boxes to the panel object named cboStaffName and cboClientName. Add label objects to

the immediate left of each combo box with the Text properties “Staff” and “Client”, respectively.


Final Project Part 6 - Map


- Find a relatively empty map of the US or one of its states by searching for the phrase “empty map of

<place name>”, where <place name> is replaced by your preferred place like “the US”, “Virginia”, “California”, etc. Right-click and save this image to your project folder. In Visual Studio, go to menu Project > ClientStaffing Properties, open Resources, then click on the arrow next to Add Resou


Final Project Part 7 - Other Extensions

Other Extensions

- Error prevention. You can put your all of your controls on frmDashboard in different group boxes. You can name this group boxes with prefix gbx (e.g. gbxSolutoin, gbxStaff, gbxSolution). You can keep the group box associated with opening a database always enabled. For the rest of the group boxes, however, you can create a sub named EnableDisableConrols. In this sub if the DB property of frmDashbord is


Java DoubleUp

Write a method doubleUp that doubles the size of a list of integers by doubling-up each element in the list. Assume there's enough space in the array to double the size.

Suppose a list stores the values [1, 3, 2, 7]. After calling list.doubleUp(), the list should store the valu


C++ Array Assignment

Imagine that we are writing a Matrix class that stores a 2D array. Our class has 3 data members: double* arr (a "flattened" array storing all of the elements in the matrix), unsigned int nrows (number of rows), and unsigned int ncols (number of columns).


Implement a print function for Matrix objects that works with cout. E.g.,


Matrix M(...);


cout << M << endl;




UML and code in C#

XYZ company consists of a number of people, including nine employees and the owner (Craig). All people share some common attributes, name, age, title and salary. The nine employees include two managers (John and Mary), two accountants (Jane and Joe), and five blacksmiths (Jack, Katie, Amy, Lin, and Greg).  Employees who have the same job title begins with an identical start-up salary. The pay changes over time according to their individual pe


CSE 11 Winter 2021 PA4 - Covid Transmission-2


Disclaimer: These are sample statistics that do not accurately reflect COVID transmission. Please follow the CDC guidelines to stay up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic:

UC San Diego is taking many actions to slow the spread of COVID-19, but they don't have a way of assessing how successful their preventative measures are. Given the skills you have demonstrated so far in CSE 11, the


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