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python assignment-Provided below are the stats of NBA player Scottie Pippen's

Provided below are the stats of NBA player Scottie Pippen's first 11 years of his career. With the stats provided, create a list of variables for each category. Each list must have the numbers stay in the same order as given below. Use the proper naming convention for your list.


From what you learned in this class so far, you will write a program answering the following problems:

His total points.

His average of


C programming Lab 2 – Dynamic Memory Allocation



In this problem, you will read a set of student data and their grading information from a file and then process them and then write the requested data to another file.






In a course, there are N number of s


CMPSCP 3313 Module 3 Activity – Lists in Python

Write a single python program to perform the following tasks in order specified using the commands provided and discussed during class: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!

1. Create a list named listA containing integer values 1 2 3 4 5 in that order

2. Create a list named listB containing 3 individual character values a b c in that order

3. Use the extend method to concatenate the two strings with listA appended by li


Java-Write a Police class with the following fields Officer's name

Write a Police class with the following fields:

• Officer's name

* Badge number

• Pay rate per hour

* Total number of hours worked.

The class should also include the following:


* Setter and getter methods { mutator and accessor methods}

* A constructor that takes as arguments the officer's name and the badge number

* A method that returns the officer's weekl


CSS 220 In-Class Activity – Practicing Sets in Python

1 – Write a Python program to create a set. Create an empty set x and a none empty set n = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

2 – Write a Python program to add members to a set. Start off with an empty set. Add “Red” to the set. Update the set with “Blue” and “Green”.

3 – Write a Python program to create an intersection of sets. Use sets x = {green, blue} and y = {blue, yellow}.

4 – Write a Python program to create a un


Java Wannacry and Server Client

Task 1

You are part of a group of underground activists who want to bring down the government and unleash anarchy on the world. As part of your grand plan, you are going to develop a prototype of a ransomware program that encrypts files on others' computers and asks for money. Since it is only a prototype, it won't do everything that a normal ransomware would do. Also, someone else from your group has already written th


Social Distancing Optimization Problem

During these difficult Covid times, it is important to balance getting fresh air and maintaining social distancing standards to keep everyone safe. You work for the local government and help run a local park. You want your park visitors to be as happy and safe as possible. You have picnic tables at the park and many visitors arriving. Your job is to assign picnic tables to your visitors to try and spread the visitors out as much as possible (e


C Programming Assignment # 3 - Dynamic Memory Allocation


An educational center offers certain number of courses. A course can have one or more sections.

A section can have one or more students (assume that a student cannot enroll in multiple sections of the same course). A student has to do a certain number of assignments in the course. In order to pass the course, the average score of the assignment has to be >=70.

You will write a program that will


Write a function “EvenPositiveSUM” that takes an array A of 12 float numbers

Q1: Write a function “EvenPositiveSUM” that takes an array A of 12 float numbers as an argument and returns the sum of the even and positive numbers in the array. [10 points]



Q2 Write a C program to do the following.

·      Define an array of structures to store the details of 10 items in a grocery store. The details include Item Name (string), Item ID (integer), Price(float). [10 points]

·  �


ISM3230 Java Lab Week 5


Your employer, a major airline, offers a frequent flier program. In this program, customers earn status based on the total number of miles flown and the total number of flight segments flown. A client qualifies for a status only if both minimum conditions are met (see Table 1).

In addition, the airline is running a promotion where customers receive bonus miles and flight segments when they sign up for it (se


MTH 3300 Homework 2 - Population, Triangle and Binary


Suppose that you are a demographist, who wants to model the growth of the population of a nation over time. A simple model for this growth is the standard exponential model

P = P0*e^rt

where P0 is the initial population at time t = 0, r is the relative growth rate in percent per year (expressed as a decimal), t is the time elapsed in years, and P is the population at time t. e, of course,


Assignment 2 - infix and postfix using Stack ADT



This program will give you practice with writing and using a Stack ADT. You will develop a program that computes mathematical expressions by converting the expression from infix notation to postfix notation, respecting the order of operations (PEMDAS), and then solving it. You will use two Stacks to do this. One Stack will be used to convert the infix expression to a postfix expression, and one Stack will be used to so


Censur Analyzer in Python

Your assignment is to create a Python Census analyzer tool that will allow the user to analyze individuals, households, and incomes. The tool will first greet the user and explain that it is a Census analyzer tool. It will then ask the user how many households are in the area of interest. For each household, the program will ask the user how many individuals live in the household, and it will ask the user for each individual's income. After al


ECE 263 Lab 4

You will write a program that will read an integer qty and a double T. This information qty represents the number of items that will be purchased at price T. When computing the cost there will be additional values that need to be computed.


The initial cost is ??? × ?.

The sales tax which is computed as 4.4% of the initial cost.

The handling fee which is dependent on the quantity sold. The handling fee is illustr


Agile Development in C# - Programming Challenge 8.1

Create an application that allows the user to enter an employee's payroll information. It allows the user to enter a new employee, add hours worked and display all the employee information. A sample mainform is shown below




If the user clicks on the "Add New Employee" button a new form is displayed as shown in the fig


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