Create an application that allows the user to enter an employee's payroll information. It allows the user to enter a new employee, add hours worked and display all the employee information. A sample mainform is shown below
If the user clicks on the "Add New Employee" button a new form is displayed as shown in the figure below
The save button on the form will save the new employee into a text file employee.txt in the default debug folder
Back in the MainForm, if the "Add Hours Worked" buttonis clicked, a new form is displayed.
In the form, the first employee from employee.txt should be displayed. Then, the user enters hours worked and clicks on the next button. The hours worked should be added to a List of employees, and the second employee data is displayed and expects the user to enter hours worked. When all hours worked data are entered, a pop up display "no more employees". The user can then click on "Close & Save" which will close the form and save all data to the same employee.txt file.
Back in the MainForm, when the Display All button is clicked the following form will be displayed
The "print" button will print al the employee data in a nicely formatted way on paper
The "exit" button on the MainForm will exit the program
This assignment has been answered 3 times in private sessions.
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