CSS 220 In-Class Activity – Practicing Sets in Python

1 – Write a Python program to create a set. Create an empty set x and a none empty set n = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

2 – Write a Python program to add members to a set. Start off with an empty set. Add “Red” to the set. Update the set with “Blue” and “Green”.

3 – Write a Python program to create an intersection of sets. Use sets x = {green, blue} and y = {blue, yellow}.

4 – Write a Python program to create a union of sets. Use sets x = {green, blue} and y = {blue, yellow}.

5 – Write a Python program to create set difference. Use sets x = {apple, mango} and y = {mango, orange}. 

6 – Write a Python program to check if a set is a subset of another set. Use sets x = {apple, mango}, y = {mango, orange}, and z = {mango}. This program should use the issubset() method. 

7 – Write a Python program to check if two given sets have no elements in common. Use sets x = {1, 2, 3, 4}, y = { 4, 5, 6, 7}, and z = {8}. This program should use the isdisjoint() method.



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