Python Card Sorting.

You will figure out how many cards you need in the deck to fulfill the requirements

Each card has three components

Id: unique integer for each card (lowest id number is 0, largest is one less than number of cards)

Title: Numbers one through ten, Baker, Jester, Page, Scribe, Squire, Armorer, and Marshal

Gang: Jets, Pollos, Slugs, Yokels, Keiths, and Elbows

Each card is unique, meaning there are no cards that match all three components. The Id can be used to determine its title and gang.

Every possible combination of Title/Gang must be present in the deck of cards



Create a file called plan3.txt

Include the Software design for your search and sort functions (three total)

No other UML, design, or plan is required.

Add to a class called Card in

Used to create a single card for the deck

Fill in partial lines of code for getTitle() and getGang()

Add two dunder methods in order to meet other program requirements

Add to a class called Deck in

Used to create a single deck of cards

Fill in three lines/sections as indicated

Use the module called

This stores the map for TITLE and GANG

It contains a function you can use to check to see if your id to title/gang conversion is working properly. It may also come in handy somewhere else (hint hint).

Fill in areas as indicated

Change the file name to

Main menu

Each menu option should result in a function call, except for option 5

The function signature for option 1 is included and should help you with the others


Display each card in the hand on a single line

Use the print() with the card object as the parameter

Ex. print(card1)

This means you should not call a method on the card object to determine what to print

Each card should be displayed as "Title of Gang"

Ex. Baker of Slugs

Sort by Title

Perform a sort using a selection, insertion, or bubble sort.

A message should indicate which sort is used

Use an existing function in the code to make it appear as if the program is processing

Do not display the list of cards. The user should choose to display it after the sort is complete

Sort by Gang

Perform a sort using a selection, insertion, or bubble sort.

Do not use the same sort technique as the Sort by Title

A message should indicate which sort is used

Use an existing function in the code to make it appear as if the program is processing

Do not display the list of cards. The user should choose to display it after the sort is complete

Search for Card

Display submenus to allow the user to select a Title and Gang for the card to search for

Use an existing sort algorithm to sort the hand

Perform a binary search to determine if the card is in the hand

Display a message indicating whether or not the card is in the hand


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