Permutation Cipher in C++

The permutation ciphers are used to generate a ciphertext (encrypted text) by re-arranging the position of the letters in a given plaintext.


How does it work?

1. Select the block size (n) and a permutation.

2. Divide a given plaintext into blocks of n letters and use ‘x’ as padding, if necessary.

3. Apply a permutation to each block and generate the encrypted ciphertext.


For example, for n = 4 and permutation of (2, 1, 4, 3)

Unencrypted plaintext is gentlemen do not read each other’s mail [1]

1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234

gent leme n do  not  rea d ea ch o ther ’s m ailx


2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143 2143

egtn elem  nod n to r ae  dae hco  htre s’m iaxl


Encrypted ciphertext is egtnelem nodn tor ae daehco htres’m iaxl


The program needs to get the following information from the user:

To encrypt: a text file that includes the plaintext, and a block size and the permutation information via standard input (keyboard).

To decrypt: a binary file that includes an encrypted ciphertext, and a block size and the permutation information via standard input (keyboard).

Here's what a sample run should look like:

> ./PermCipher

Usage: ./PermCipher option -i InputFileName -o OutputFileName Options: -e Encrypt -d Decrypt


> ./PermCipher -e -i PlaintextFile -o CiphertextFile

Welcome to the Permutation Cipher Selected Mode: Encrypt

Input File: PlaintextFile Output File: CiphertextFile

Please enter the block size (2-8) and the permutation (e.g., 4 2413): 4 2143

Encrypted ciphertext file: egtnelem nodn tor ae daehco htres’m iaxl


> ./PermCipher -d -i CiphertextFile -o PlaintextFile

Welcome to the Permutation Cipher Selected Mode: Decrypt

Input File: CiphertextFile Output File: PlaintextFile

Please enter the block size (2-8) and the permutation (e.g., 4 2413): 4 2143

Decrypted ciphertext file: gentlemen do not read each other’s mail


The program should be able to process up to 8 characters at each block with a minimum of 2 characters


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