Object Oriented Systems Development


Further enhance the health insurance management program for Continental Community Health Insurance (CCHI).

• Add more attributes about a patient, including gender and whether the patient is married.

• Allow the user to repeatedly enter patient information until the user wants to quit. 

• When the user enters an invalid value, ask the user to repeatedly enter the value until a valid value has been entered. Gender must            be ‘M’ (male) or ‘F’ (female). Whether the patient is married must be ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no).

• Display a short summary after each patient has been entered. Capitalize the first name and last name.


Sample Dialog

Welcome to the CCHI Insurance Coverage System!

Enter data about a patient


First Name: min

Last Name: zhao

Gender (M/F): m

Married? (Y/N): y

Date of Birth: 1/1/1966

Expenses ($): 8500


Mr. Zhao, Min  DOB: 1/1/1966  Expenses: $8,500.00  Married


Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: n


Enter data about a patient


First Name: LINDA

Last Name: SMITH

Gender (M/F): X

Gender (M/F): F

Married? (Y/N): X

Married? (Y/N): N

Date of Birth: 1/1/1990

Expenses ($): 540


Ms. Smith, Linda  DOB: 1/1/1990  Expenses: $540.00  Single


Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: X

Do you want to quit (Y/N)?: Y


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