Question 1
1. JavaScript and Java are really just two slightly different names for the same language.
1 points
Question 2
1. Scripting languages are commonly used with video game engines to ease the development of game features that may need to be "fine-tuned" (such as in-game character behavior, item locations, etc.) while the main game-engine is in development or even after the game has been completed and shipped.
1 points
Question 3
1. Like Java, JavaScript requires that all variables be declared and assigned a "type" before their first use.
1 points
Question 4
1. Scripting languages were originally developed to help tie ("glue") together the functionally of multiple independent programs developed in systems languages.
1 points
Question 5
1. Statically typed Systems Languages are generally able catch certain types of programming errors (which scripting languages cannot) before the program is ever even run.
1 points
Question 6
1. Due to their superior speed and maintainability, Scripting Languages are generally considered superior to Systems Languages for large-scale application development involving vast amounts of code and many active developers.
1 points
Question 7
1. Though the Java Programming language is not a scripting language itself, there are other languages which utilize the Java Virtual Machine and Java Platform which are considered true scripting languages.
1 points
Question 8
1. JavaScript is limited in the sense that it is only useful within "web pages"; as JavaScript is not useful for "server-side" applications or client applications outside of a web browser.
1 points
Question 9
1. In JavaScript, one function can be defined inside of another function's definition.
1 points
Question 10
1. When numeric user input is assigned to a variable (from a field or dialog box), it is returned to JavaScript as an object of type String.
1 points
Question 11
1. Most "modern" Scripting Languages offer some form of Object-Oriented Programming capabilities.
1 points
Question 12
1. In JavaScript, a function declared with three input parameters, must always receive exactly three parameters to avoid an error condition.
1 points
Question 13
1. Unlike Java methods, JavaScript functions may accept other functions as parameters and return new functions as results.
1 points
Question 14
1. Syntax errors in a JavaScript program (on a web page) may go undetected since the browser never explicitly reports such errors directly to the user.
1 points
Question 15
1. A key difference between "Statically Typed" languages (like Java) and "Dynamically Typed" languages (like JavaScript) is the following: In Statically typed languages, the "type information" is associated with identifiers whereas in Dynamically typed languages, the type information is associated with values.
1 points
Question 16
1. JavaScript is an example of what we commonly call a "Statically Typed" Language.
1 points
Question 17
1. ECMAScript defines the standards and related syntax for the programming language commonly known as JavaScript.
1 points
Question 18
1. Like Java and C++, JavaScript uses "case sensitive" identifiers.
1 points
Question 19
1. In JavaScript, the following function may return either a Numeric value or a String simply based on the type of data passed to it as parameters.
function f(a,b) { return a + b };
1 points
Question 20
1. In JavaScript, every statement must end with a Semicolon, or a syntax error will result.
1 points
Question 21
1. Given the proper parameters to fun, the following would be syntactically legal in JavaScript...
function fun(x,y) {
if (y < 2) return 1;
return x(x,y-1) * y;
1 points
Question 22
1. In JavaScript's syntax, the keyword "function" may be used to declare a new class from which new objects will be created as well as declaring simple functions which may be invoked directly.
1 points
Question 23
1. Most scripting languages generally fall into the category of:
Query Lanuages
Assembly Languages
Low-Level Languages
High-Level Languges
1 points
Question 24
1. What company first developed JavaScript
Oracle Corporation
Sun Microsystems
1 points
Question 25
1. Which of the following utilizes the proper syntax for an "alert box"
alert = new "Hello World"
alert(This is a test)
alert("This is a test")
alertBox("This is a test")
1 points
Question 26
1. In Javascript, the statement
var z = 4 + "2";
would result in z having a value of:
"4 + 2"
It would produce a syntax error due to the type mismatch.
1 points
Question 27
1. What is the output of the following fragment
function f(x,y) {
return (x(y)*4)
var z = function(x) {return x*2};
alert (f(z, 3));
1 points
Question 28
1. The code fragments below all represent attempts to declare/define a new function called myFunction which accepts two numbers and multiplies them. Select all of versions of the code which may used to declare and define the new function. (Hint, a choice being "syntactically valid", doesn't mean that it actually declares a new function usable as described.)
myFunction (x,y) {
return x*y;
new myFunction (x,y) {
return x*y;
var myFunction = function(x,y) {
return x*y;
var myFunction = new function(x,y) {
return x*y;
2 points
Question 29
1. Aside from JavaScript, which of the following is also considered a "Scripting Language".
Assembly Language
1 points
Question 30
1. Which is the correct function in JavaScript to execute another function called show() after a 5 second delay.
setTimeout(show(), 5000);
setTimeout("show()", 5);
setTimeout(show, 5000);
1 points
Question 31
1. (NOTE: You may need to test the following behavior for yourself.)
If the user presses the "cancel" button when the following code is run
var response = prompt("Enter data");
The result would be:
"null" will be displayed.
"0" will be displayed.
An empty string will be displayed.
An "exception" because result is null.
1 points
Question 32
1. In JavaScript, a function is declared to expect three parameters, but is only passed two parameters as follows:
function f(a,b,c) { return a + b + c }
var r = f(5,6)
What is the actual result and --specifically -- why?
2 points
Question 33
1. In JavaScript, a function is declared to expect three parameters, but is passed four parameters as follows:
function f(a,b,c) { return a + b + c }
var r = f(1,2,3,4)
What is the actual result and -- specifically -- why?
2 points
Question 34
1. What is displayed by the statement: alert(00123)? Why is this the case?
1 points
Question 35
1. Write a JavaScript function called stringRepeat(theString, theDelimiter, repetitions) that accepts three parameters as follows:
• An arbitrary string value.
• A string to act as a separator (see below).
• the number of times the string should be repeated.
• (For simplicity, you can assume it's an integer.. i.e, no decimal point)
The function should return a new string as illustrated below.
NOTE: This function should not display any results itself, but only return the proper string.
For example:
A call to stringRepeat("hello", "_", 3) would return: hello_hello_hello
A call to stringRepeat("x", ",", 5) would return: x,x,x,x,x
A call to stringRepeat("Y", "", 2) would return: YY
NOTE: You only need to show the function itself... not a complete web page.
5 points
Question 36
1. Notes:
• You may wish to reuse one of your previous submissions or in-class examples -- with the appropriate modification -- for this question.
• Full full credit, the code/page must properly create and use a JavaScript "object" .
• Partial credit will be awarded for a solution which (outwardly) functions correctly, but does not utilize objects.
Write a simple HTML/JavaScript program which is capable of computing the area of a Circle as follows:
3. On an HTML page, display five (5) elements:
a. An "input field" where a human can enter the Radius of the Circle.
a. (This should be labeled on the page as: "Enter Radius:")
b. An "Output Field" (or just a simple HTML "span"; it doesn't matter which) where the output will be displayed.
• (This should be labeled on the page as: "Calculated Area:")
c. A "Button" labeled "Create Object". Clicking this button should:
• Define a JavaScript Function/Object in code which represents a Circle. (See "2" below)
• NOTE: Partial credit will be awarded if the solution generates the correct output, but does not actually create an "object".
d. A "Button" labeled "Show Area". Clicking this button should:
• Call a getArea() method of your Circle object as created above. (See "2" below)
• Display the returned area value in the output field.
For Example:
4. In a the SAME HTML file create a function/object called Circle(radius) which:
. Accepts the radius value as an initial parameter.
a. Implements a getArea() function as described above which performs the appropriate calculation and updates the page as described above.
• (This is the function that should be called when when the user clicks the "Show Area" button described above.)
• Reminder: The area of Circle is:
5. ZIP your file and attach it to this question response.
This assignment has been answered 6 times in private sessions.
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