Java generics allows an ArrayList object to be constrained to use a single specific type (e.g. ArrayList<Integer>). However, some applications require the ability to store objects of multiple unrelated types. In this question the aim is to store Integer objects alongside LinkedList<Integer> objects.
(a) One solution is to use ArrayList<Object>, since all Java objects extend Object.
Explain why this is bad practice. [2 marks]
(b) Seeking to provide a solution that allows an arbitrary set of constrained types, a programmer writes an abstract ConstrainedArray base class. To use it, the class is extended and a specialised void add(...) method should be provided for each acceptable type.
public abstract class ConstrainedArray {
protected ArrayList<Object> mArray =
new ArrayList<Object>();
public Object get(int idx) {return mArray.get(idx);}
public int size() { return mArray.size(); }
(i) Show how to create a class IntListArray that extends this base class
and accepts only Integer or LinkedList<Integer> objects. Where
appropriate, objects should be copied on insertion. [4 marks]
(ii) Describe a sequence of events that would allow external modification of an
object stored within an IntListArray, despite correct copying on insertion.
How could this be addressed in IntListArray? [3 marks]
(iii) By adding protected void add(Object o) {mArray.add(o);} to the
ConstrainedArray class, the mArray field can be made private. Show how
this would affect your IntListArray class and discuss the advantages of
the change from protected to private. [5 marks]
(c) The solutions in parts (a) and (b) both involve a get() method returning an Object reference.
(i) Explain why this is bad practice. [1 mark]
(ii) Propose an alternative solution for a constrained array of Integers.
This assignment has been answered 2 times in private sessions.
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