Bank Account Application
You are an IT Support Administrator Specialist at BOA and are
charged with the task of creating new bank accounts for new bank
customers. Saving Account and Checking Account. Please complete
the following instructions:
Base class: public abstract class Account
List common properties for Saving and Checking accounts
private String name
private String sSN
private double balance
private static int index = 10000
//index will be incremented every time we create a new account
protected String accountNumber
protected double rate
constant number: BASE RATE = 2.5
Constructor to set base properties and initialize the account: name, sSN, balance, accountNumber, rate
public Account(String name, String sSN, double initDeposit)
You also need to update index, set account number, set Rate inside the Account constructor
Abstract method: public abstract void setRate();
List common methods for Saving and Checking accounts
Set account number: private String setAccountNumber()
generate a 12-digit account number: 4 digit of SSN + 5digit uniqueID + 3 digit random number
4 digit of SSN: the last four digit of SSN (sSN.substring(sSN.length()-4,sSN.length()))
5 digit uniqueID: index (//index will be incremented every time we create a new account)
3 digit random number: ranInt.nextInt(900)+ 100
print out all account information: name, sSN, accountNumber, balance, rate: public void showInfo()
deposit money to the account: public void deposit(double amount) (please call printBalance() at the end)
withdraw money from the account: public void withdraw(double amount) (please call printBalance() at the end)
calculate and print out the accrued interest by using the rate/100*balance,and update the new balance: public void compound() (please call printBalance() at the end)
print out the new balance: public void printBalance()
Derived class: public class CheckingAccount extends Account
Constructor to initialize settings for the Checking account properties.
public CheckingAccount(String name, String sSN, double initDeposit) please call super() inside, and add 1 to the front of your 12-digit accountNumber, 1 indicates Checking account.
Now your accountNumber should be a 13-digit number.
List any methods specific to the Checking Account
override showInfo() method: public void showInfo() (please use super to call the base showInfo(), and also print out account type: Checking in the new showInfo())
set rate = BASE RATE*0.15: public void setRate()
Derived class: public class SavingAccount extends Account
Constructor to initialize settings for the Saving account properties
public SavingAccount(String name, String sSN, double initDeposit) please call super() inside, and add 2 to the front of your 12-digit accountNumber, 2 indicates Saving account.
Now your accountNumber should be a 13-digit number.
List any methods specific to the Saving Account
override showInfo() method: public void showInfo() (please use super to call the base showInfo(), and also print out account type: Saving in the new showInfo())
set rate = BASE RATE*0.25: public void setRate()
Driver class: public class AccountApp
Sample Driver class:
public class AccountApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
CheckingAccount myAccount = new
CheckingAccount("Xin Yang","6857345856",1000);
SavingAccount myAccount2 = new
SavingAccount("Ada Zhang","684321924",5000);
Sample Output:
Name: Xin Yang
sSN: 6857345856
Account Number: 1585610001183
Balance: 1000.0
Rate: 0.375%
Account Type: Checking Account
Deposit $2000.0
Your balance is now: $3000.0
WithDraw $4000.0
Not enough balance available
Your balance is now: $3000.0
WithDraw $1500.0
Your balance is now: $1500.0
Accrued Interest is: $5.625
Your balance is now: $1505.625
Name: Ada Zhang
sSN: 684321924
Account Number: 2192410002737
Balance: 5000.0
Rate: 0.625%
Account Type: Saving Account
Deposit $200.0
Your balance is now: $5200.0
WithDraw $45000.0
Not enough balance available
Your balance is now: $5200.0
WithDraw $550.0
Your balance is now: $4650.0
Accrued Interest is: $29.0625
Your balance is now: $4679.0625
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