Guessing or Rock, Paper and Scissors Game.

Create any of the two games below.

Option 1: Guessing Game
Modify the Guessing game to play with 2 players instead of 1 player by showing input and stats for player 1 and player 2.
- To end the game: You can ask for number of games to be played at the beginning of the game or you can ask the user whether to continue after each game.
- Display number of guesses for each player in addition to average number of guesses for each play.
- Show which player wins the whole match based on who has the least average number of guesses after the total number of games selected is over.
- When each game is played, change the output to display that the last guess is correct. Example: Congratulations! 53 is correct!
- When the players reach the total number of games chosen, or when the player chooses not to continue, display either: "Match over! Player 1 wins!" , OR "Match over! Player 2 wins!" , OR "Match over! It's a tie!"

Option 2: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Modify the Rock, Paper, Scissors game from the book to play with 2 players instead of 1 player by showing input and stats for player 1 and player 2. You don't have to use windows like the program in the book to display your output.
- To end the game: You can ask for number of games to be played at the beginning of the game OR you can ask the user whether to continue after each game.
- Display number of games won by each player.
- Display which player wins for each play.
- Show which player wins the whole match based on the total games. 
- When the players reach the total number of games chosen, or when the player chooses not to continue, display either: "Match over! Player 1 wins!" , OR "Match over! Player 2 wins!" , OR "Match over! It's a tie!"

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