1. Summation of a series is given by the equation ? = ∑a->n=0 (? + ?)^?. Write a C program to compute and print y. Assume the input variables a and b are non-zero positive integers always less than eight (8). Assume all the variables are 32-bit integers and do not use any kind of built-in functions to compute the nth power. Comment your C code.
2. Summation of a series is given by the equation ?? = ∑?->n=0 (?! + ?). Write a C program to compute and print y. Assume the input variables a and b are non-zero positive integers always less than ten (10). Assume all the variables are 64-bit integers and do not use recursion or any kind of built-in functions for computing n!. Comment your C code.
3. Write a C program to find the number of vowels in a given input string. The user will input the string and the program will output the number of vowels in the input string. Assume the length of the input string will be less than 256 characters. Do not use any kind of built-in functions to find the number of vowels. Comment your C code.
4. Natural log of a value is computed as ln(1 + ?) = ∑?->n=1 (−1)^(?+1).?^?/n. Write a C program to compute and print the natural log of a value. Assume the input x is a single precision floating-point value and the input a is an 32-bit integer and are non- zero positive values. Do not use any kind of built-in functions to compute the nth power. Comment your C code.
This assignment has been answered 3 times in private sessions.
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